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Gain complete visibility into your Red Logistic shipments! Our easy-to-use online platform allows you to track your package effortlessly—enter your Red Logistic tracking number to discover its status. Monitor your shipment from the moment it departs the origin warehouse to your doorstep (for domestic deliveries) or the international arrival hub. Access important information, including current location, terminals, sorting centers, and estimated delivery dates. With Red Logistic Tracking, you’ll stay updated throughout the delivery process, ensuring a seamless and transparent experience for your domestic and international freight.

How can I track the status of my Red Logistic shipment?

Tracking the status of your Red Logistics shipment is incredibly simple, and you don’t need to be a tech genius to do it. With Red Logistics’ user-friendly tracking tools, all you need is your tracking number and an internet connection. Whether you’re on your computer or using the Red Logistics tracking app, the process is quick and easy.

Here’s how you can track Red Logistics shipments:

  • Find your tracking number: This unique identifier is provided when you book your shipment. It may be sent via email or included on your shipping documentation.
  • Enter your tracking number: Head over to the Red Logistic tracking portal on our website, and enter the Red Logistic tracking number in the designated field.
  • Check the shipment status: Once entered, you will see real-time information about your package, including its current location, transit history, and expected delivery date.

By following these steps, you can always stay on top of your delivery, no matter where it is in the world.

Red Logistic Tracking Number

A Red Logistic tracking number is a unique series of numbers and letters assigned to every shipment, allowing both Red Logistic and you, the customer, to monitor its journey from start to finish. The Red Logistic tracking number makes it possible to access information about your shipment in real-time, providing transparency and relaxation. It tracks your package as it moves through various checkpoints, ensuring it’s always on the right path to its destination.

So, where can you find your Red Logistics tracking number? The Red Logistic tracking number is typically given to you when your shipment is processed. You might receive it in an email confirmation, or it could be on your shipping receipt or invoice. The format of the Red Logistic tracking number varies depending on the service you’ve selected but usually consists of a mix of letters and numbers.

Red Logistic Tracking

What is the usual delivery time for Red Logistic?

One of the most common questions customers have is, “How long will my shipment take?” With Red Logistics, delivery times depend on several factors, including the type of service (standard or express), the distance between the origin and destination, and any customs processes involved for international shipments.

For domestic shipments, you can generally expect delivery to take between 1 to 5 business days. This timeframe ensures that your packages move quickly and efficiently across the country. If you’re shipping internationally, the delivery process is a bit more variable. International shipments may take anywhere from a few days to several weeks, depending on the destination and customs clearances.

Customer Service

Red Logistic is all about making your shipping experience smooth and stress-free, and their customer service is top-notch when it comes to supporting their clients. Whether you have questions about your tracking number, want to inquire about delivery times, or need help with a specific shipment, their friendly team is available to assist you. Plus, with multiple ways to get in touch, help is always just a call or click away!

Here’s how you can contact Red Logistic:

And if you’re looking for physical locations, here are their offices:

  • Alajuela: Alajuela, Plaza Diagonal, La Tropicana neighborhood, 150m south of Pops, in front of the Delta pump
  • Barreal Heredia: Heredia 200 meters west of Plaza del Barreal, multi-commercial baden local 14
  • Carthage: Cartago, Occidental, 75m east of the Maria Auxiliadora Church

About Red Logistic

Red Logistic has been a key player in the logistics industry since its founding in 1998. With over 25 years of experience, they have become a trusted name in courier and logistics services, offering a wide range of solutions tailored to meet the needs of businesses and individuals alike. From local deliveries to international freight, Red Logistic has developed a reputation for reliability, efficiency, and customer satisfaction.

Starting with basic courier services, Red Logistic quickly expanded its offerings to include more specialized services such as cargo importation, international mailbox services, and import/export advisory services. Their commitment to continuous improvement and innovation is evident in their adoption of advanced information systems that streamline operations and enhance the customer experience. By 2023, Red Logistic aims to be among the most efficient logistics providers in Central America, with plans to expand into three countries while maintaining a strong focus on quality management and sustainable growth.


Tracking your shipments with Red Logistics is simple, convenient, and incredibly efficient. With their easy-to-use tracking system, customers can monitor their packages in real-time, ensuring that they stay informed throughout the delivery process. Whether you’re shipping domestically or internationally, Red Logistic’s delivery services provide quick and reliable transit times that you can count on. And if you ever have questions, their dedicated customer service team is always ready to assist you with any concerns or inquiries.